
The colours of Osteria da Carmela possess a sacred (holy) call to the colours of Our Lady of Carmel, called the brunette Madonna, with a precise meaning:
Solar Orange Golden Halos and the bottom of the icon = Holiness and Sacredness
Pompeian Tunic red under the mantle = Love
Dark Tuff Baby's sheepskin tunic and skin of the Madonna = Lamb of God, brotherhood
Verdemare Madonna's mantle = Fertility
Each color is an inspiration, a story, a trend and even, digging in the history of Naples, a source of a dish and will always accompany our (and your) words.
And with these chromatic premise, here you are...

<small>Tag:</small> menù stagionale

The seasonal menu as a mom's home
Le novità

The seasonal menu as a mom's home

Siamo in pieno autunno, ma a Napoli il freddo stenta ad arrivare; questo fenomeno intensificatosi negli ultimi anni si ripercuote sulle nostre abitudini e sui nostri stili di vita. Quando...

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24 Nov 2016